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July Hot Reads

This month is full of some great new releases that I’m so excited about, I wanted to share them with you! Kris Michaels, Elizabeth SaFleur and H.A Robinson are all celebrating their book babies in July. A range of romances sure to get your hearts beating and...

The Music Behind the Words

To celebrate the release of Undertow, an anthology of sexy summer stories, I thought I’d share a little about my contribution, The Break. I read that some authors write to a soundtrack of their work. Playing a particular song over and over as they let the words...

Looking back on RT 2015

I’m back in the UK and it’s grey and miserable. Last week (May 12-17th) I was at the Romance Times convention in Dallas. Quite a change of scenery for me! Now, it’s not everyday I decide to travel around the world to attend a book convention....

The joy of critique partners

Critique partners used to be the names I read on the acknowledgement page of the books I read. I’d run my eyes over the words of thanks and love for the help and support given by the crit partners. Now, on my newbie author journey, I have them too! I came into...